::.. RUACH BRASIL ..::
  • The Music that Flows from the Heart of the Church

  • Over the years, our desire has been to live the experience of a prophetic community; a community that works for the restoration of the Church as it used to be on the first days, whole in its essence.

    The Word of God in the book of Joel says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh”; and the Glorious Church will rise, remnant from these last days.

    There’s no doubt that a great revival is near. An outpour of the Holy Spirit will come over God’s genuine people. But this has left us deeply worried about the course of the Church, for the revival will not come until we prepare the way for it to happen, bringing back to the Church the values that have been lost and forgotten.

    RUACH was born from the hunger and thirst for God. It’s the clatter that announces the coming of the Holy Spirit that will fill the whole Church - prayers, petitions and a cry for a new time. RUACH wants to make room to the congregational worship, to the prophetic music coming from God’s people.

    Although this event apparently has the music as its focus, RUACH seeks something more than that. The apostolic Word, communion and prayer - the pure Gospel, Christ alive and active, as it was during Pentecost days - advocates as a possible utopia.

::.. RUACH BRASIL ..::

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."
Acts 2:2
Ruach Brasil
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