::.. RUACH BRASIL ..::
  • In Deep Worship

  • For decades we have seen and been terrified with people’s lack of reverence towards God, the Creator and Lord of everything and everyone.

    The house of God turned into a place of activism. Unnecessary talk while the service is happening, people laughing and chewing gum, distractions getting on the way and stealing our hearts from God. It’s noticeable that even on stage, men put themselves on the center of everything, wanting to show how good they are, trying to please people first instead of focusing on God.

    There’s a huge lack of intimacy with God coming from His Church – His bride. The house of God is a place of worship and prayer. It’s very important to be available to God and not to the many distractions created by the enemy of our souls. Our attention must be focused on God. We have lost so much for not doing that.

    However, the depth of our praise and worship is entirely relative to the communion we have with God. And the communion we have with God is entirely reflected in our thoughts, words and actions 24 hours a day.

    The speakers and leaders of this conference are committed to take the Church to higher and deeper places in God, leading this new generation of worshippers.

::.. RUACH BRASIL ..::

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."
Acts 2:2
Ruach Brasil
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